Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Preparation for World War I

Soon our Junior Class will begin studying World War I. Below is a panoramic picture of the World War I exhibit of the Air and Space Museum at Dayton, Ohio. Go to the website to learn more about aerial warfare in World War I!

Early Years Gallery - WW I. in USA

Summation of the Civil Rights Movement

Hello Students,
Right now we are watching Prom Night in Mississippi which is about Charleston High School. This school, until 2008, still had parent sponsored segregated proms! We are nearing our prom season and would like you to take a moment and think about what a segregated prom today would mean for you. How would this make our life different in ways other than merely being separated? All of this, remember is due to the "with all deliberate speed" clause of the Brown v. Board of Education decision. That allowed states, schools, and other public entities to take their time implementing integration.
Remember that as we approach prom, we should be thankful we have overcome bigotry and hate. Think about how much further we will be able to go as we progress in our society. As always with any prom season, be safe, do not drink and drive, and have fun!
Finally, take a few moments to remember the miners of West Virginia.

Catch you next week!