Saturday, February 28, 2009

Vocabulary Quiz #5

Friday, February 27, 2009

The National Archives Museum Panorama

The United States National Archives Rotunda in Washington

The National Archives Museum is where we commemorate and protect all of our country's most valued documents. Almost all of those documents kept there are direct products of the Enlightenment Era.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vocabulary Quiz #4

Monday, February 16, 2009

Forms of Government

There are several different forms of government in the world. Some countries believe in democracy and representation like the United States. Other countries are still caught up in their traditional models of having a king and queen like Great Britain. Still other countries are not given the choice of how they are ruled and are governed by dictators like Cuba or Burma.
We must all determine the type of government that works for our country and try to support it as best we can. In the United States, we have found that democracy is right for us. Though at times it is flawed and prone to mistakes there is little dispute that it works well for our country and people.
Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government; except for all the rest."
Take time to consider life under each type of government and why ours may very well be the best.

Global Warming

It is clearly evident that the earth is getting warmer and our climate is changing. The great debate is to what extent human activity is having on this development. It could be a combination of human activity, volcanic activity, and other natural causes that is increasing the level of green house gases in the atmosphere. How should we address this issue?
Businesses are worried that tougher restrictions on carbon emmissions and energy consumption could be mean less profits. This would be disastorous for an economy already in a state of recession. This could also lead to higher prices for goods and services.
The solution should be simple. If we make a concerted effort to reduce our energy consumption at home we can help to limit the green house effect. Fluorescent lights, walking more, electric cars, and a whole lot of other great options will help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the amount of Green House gas in the atmosophere.
Think about a few ways that you can reduce your energy consumption.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vocabulary Quiz #3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Vocabulary Quiz #2

Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome To Mr. Crawford's Blog

A blog (or a Web Log) is a great way for those around the world to connect, share information, and generate new ideas. I am pleased to welcome you all to my very own web log and hope that you will make it a part of your learning experience.
You will notice several interesting options for participation in blogs. First, you have the ability to read my thoughts, notes, and stories on my "blog spot" as I make them available. Second, you can comment on those blog posts and share your opinions with me and others. Lastly, you will be able to see the opinions of others and be able to respond to one another.
I hope this brief introduction to blogging will generate some excitement and conversation among you and your peers. Please check back often to see any changes or comments. As always: keep reading!